dental fillings, Long Island, NY

Dental fillings are a restorative dental procedure using composite fillings that are the same color or tone as your naturally-occurring teeth. When areas of your teeth  become decayed, they are called cavities. Dental fillings are used to fill those cavities that can form in the teeth. These fillings treat tooth decay, preventing further damage and tooth loss, as well as the possibility of pain and infection. Since their tooth color makes them almost indistinguishable from your real teeth, these composite fillings are very popular.

When do I need a dental filling?

You may be a candidate, if you have a cavity, a broken tooth, or a deteriorated filling. Do you want to avoid metal amalgam fillings because of their appearance or a metal allergy? Then you may be a prime candidate for a dental filling! To find out, schedule a consultation with our professional team as soon as possible!

What is the procedure for a dental filling at Glen Cove Dentist, NY?

Having a filling is typically an in-office procedure. Children and anyone with severe dental anxiety may require sedation or even general anesthesia. If a patient needs to prepare for the procedure in any way, Dr. Gaeta will inform them beforehand.

Generally the steps are:

  1. The dentist applies a numbing gel to the gums. After this has taken effect, they then inject a local anesthetic into the gum.
  2. The dentist removes the decayed area of the tooth, using a drill or another specialized tool.
  3. They then fill the hole in the tooth.
  4. Finally, they polish the filling and may adjust it so that the person’s bite feels normal.

If they use a composite filling material, the dentist also needs to “cure,” or harden, it with a special light.

What can I expect after the procedure?

 You will be able to return to work or school, resume all your normal activities, and have no dietary restrictions after your dental filling. How so? During the procedure, the composite resin hardens completely. Thus it is ready for use as soon as you leave our office at Glen Cove. However, you may want to wait until you can feel your mouth before eating and drinking.

Fillings are used to replace the decayed area of a tooth, reducing the pain associated with the cavity itself. But tooth pain after filling a tooth is not unusual. Here are some common reasons for tooth pain after a procedure:

  • Tooth sensitivity: A tooth that has just had a composite filling placed will be more sensitive to hot foods and cold foods, air temperature, and the pressure of biting. This type of tooth pain after filling a cavity should resolve itself within a few weeks. If not, be certain to contact your dentist.
  • Cracked or loose tooth fillings: Tooth pain after filling a cavity can occur if the filling is not fitting properly to the tooth, or if it develops cracks. If you suspect that this is the reason for your tooth pain, please contact your dentist.
  • Allergic reaction to tooth fillings: Sometimes persons have allergic reactions to the material used for their dental fillings. To help avoid tooth pain after filling a cavity, be sure to tell your dentist about any allergies when discussing your filling choices.

Tips for aftercare and recovery.

Dr. Gaeta may recommend not eating or drinking until the effects of the numbing medication wears off. This  prevents a person from accidentally biting their tongue or the inside of their cheek.

There may be some minor soreness or discomfort. Your dentist will recommend  over-the-counter medication according to your individual needs.

Other times, pain may occur because the teeth do not fit together well due to the filling. This issue is called malocclusion. Please inform your dentist and he would correct it to prevent further discomfort.

We  look forward to caring for your healthy smile soon!


or give us a call at 516-671-0817.

Glen Cove NY Dentist, One School Street

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